Scituate - Addition

This 1725 home...yes, 1725 needs a little more room for the addition to the family. We are building a 24 x 24 foot addition that provides a much needed master suite, the bathroom is inside this addition and the old front bedroom is to be almost entirely a new closet... it will be nice. The need for a new septic system was not such a pleasant surprise. The bedroom will have two steps down from the existing floor level and will have a vaulted ceiling with fake beams to make the exposed real beams in the home. It will look huge and old... I for one can't wait to see it carpeted... oops I mean hardwooded.

Scituate - Addition

Scituate - Addition Scituate - Addition
Future Plans - Drawing and 3D Representation

Below is a gallery showing progress on this project day-by-day.

( Click on a preview to open a larger image )

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Day 15 - The rain has stopped play out side, now we are taking down walls and creating new spaces.
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Day 20 - We almost got the roof on before the snow, but still it doesn't look too bad. Not cozy yet, but close.
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Day 25 - The roof is on, the windows are in... now for some heat and electrical and... ooooh the list is getting shorter.
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Day 30 - The outside is finished and the electrical almost the same... plumbing to do and inspections. Be nice to get the heat on.
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Day 40 - The Electrical and plumbing are both finished... one more inspection and then insulate and drywall.
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Day 50 - Insulated and dry walled... finishing stretch now.
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Day 55 - The outside is seeded and with a little rain it will be green, inside is still white.
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Day 70 - Paint is going on... almost there.
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Day 75 - Almost done, some trim and grout and then for the inspectors.
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Day 80 - All is done and looks great... very white bathroom, need shades.

Click here to download the Scituate - Addition pictures