Barkan - Addition

Rather then move the Barkans have decided to turn their house into more of what they would like to stay in. A new dining room on the first floor and walk down into there finished basement, a larger kitchen open into the dinning room and a large master bedroom extension on the second floor. A small deck will be off the bedroom for morning coffee... and with luck and care, their existing deck will stay and be finished up to the new addition. The addition will be 10 feet from the back and sides of the home and approx 25 feet long at the back. The addition of two dormers to the front of the house and a new roof will make the house look brand new.

Barkan - Addition

Barkan - Addition Barkan - Addition Barkan - Addition
Future Plans - 3D Representation & Before Pics

Below is a gallery showing progress on this project day-by-day.

( Click on a preview to open a larger image )

Barkan - Addition Barkan - Addition Barkan - Addition
Day 10 - First the cold and now the rain... big hole in the ground, but at least I have left an Xmas present at the bottom all wrapped up for the forms guys to do there stuff
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Day 20 - The frame is almost finished... roof on before the next snow... hope so
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Day 40 - The outside is finished, electrical is done... once the insulation is in we can cut through and the house will feel like one
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Day 45 - Plaster is finished and looks great... now for paint
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Day 60 - The paint is on and the rooms are almost finished. The new dormers on the front very much improve both front bedrooms, new light and a breeze feels great.
Barkan - Addition Barkan - Addition Barkan - Addition
Day 65 - We don't always get to do nice clean work, but we always try to smile.

Click here to download the Barkan - Addition pictures